Scholars of Color- Andre Zarate

Scholars of Color- Andre Zarate

What is Scholars of Color?

It is a platform in which scholars of color are purposefully celebrated. It’s a space where scholars of color are showcased front and center. It is a digital space where we feel empowered and resilient. Let us get to know each other. Let us cheer each other on AND show the world what we have to offer.

Let us now welcome Andre Zarate to the Scholars of Color space!

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Name: Andre Zarate

Gender Pronouns: He/His/Him

What do you currently do for work and/or school?: I’m currently the 7th and 8th grade Social Studies teacher at a charter school on the southwest side of Chicago. I’m also an education entrepreneur fellow with Chicago International Scholar, where I’m in the process of creating a MicroLab School for Fall of 2021, particularly a space for students of color who identify as LGBTQIA+. In June 2020, I launched “The Z Factor Project” as my platform for education, showcasing my journey to the MicroLab launch. 

Without positions or titles, how would you describe yourself?: I would describe myself as a proud Filipino-American: a dream of my ancestors. I'm resilient, determined, a game-changer, a visionary, and a leader. I'm a teacher/educator at heart; someone who always wants to help others succeed and give back to others. A true-Aquarius, INFJ-T, an Advocate, spiritual healer, budding hiker, a tennis lover/player; Proud brown person of excellence.

What are you passionate about?: If you asked me a few months ago, I would say that my passions for life have completely changed. I still absolutely love the education field. I strongly believe that all students, across the country, should have access to high quality education. Zipcode, your background, ethnicity, the color of your skin, and your economic status should not determine whether or not you deserve an education. I believe it is right and I want to do whatever it takes to make sure that all students have access to that. I’m also passionate about finding true equity and liberation and using our creativity to get there. Part of my work now-a-days is to really dismantle systems of oppression, knock down traditional paradigms of schooling, and to innovate at the margins. Coming into myself as a scholar of color, part of the LGBTQIA+ community, and as an educator of color has been one of the most liberating experiences of my life. I really want to bring this true sense of freedom to others. 

Why is the representation of scholars of color important to you?: Representation matters. Period. As an aspiring educational leader, I struggle to find leaders who look like me doing the work I want to do. In every sector, we need to make sure that we are all represented so that the next generation can see us and also say, "we can do this too." I've felt extremely lucky and privileged that over the years that I've had people who pushed me, believed in me, and really looked out for me over the years. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am. That's why I think representation is important. And that is why my life is all about helping others get to the next level as well.

If people are interested in getting connected to you, how can they?: You can follow me on IG @mazzarrate, and/or @the.z.factor.project. You may also e-mail me at, or follow me on linked in at:

Anything else you would like us to know?: For college I went to the University of Pennsylvania and graduated in 2012 and 2013. In 2017, I was finalist for IL Teacher of the Year and have won multiple awards for excellence in teaching. I'm really hoping to one day open my own school that will a model for education in the US. If you wanted to talk education, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Thank you Andre for sharing space with us!

Stay tuned everyone for more Scholars of Color profiles. Interested in being showcased yourself? Please email the Scholars of Color team at and we will get back to you shortly.

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