Scholars of Color- Mariela Denisse Delgado

Scholars of Color- Mariela Denisse Delgado

What is Scholars of Color?

It is a platform in which scholars of color are purposefully celebrated. It’s a space where scholars of color are showcased front and center. It is a digital space where we feel empowered and resilient. Let us get to know each other. Let us cheer each other on AND show the world what we have to offer.

Let us now welcome Mariela Denisse Delgado to the Scholars of Color Space!

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Name: Mariela Denisse Delgado

Gender Pronouns: She/Ella/Hers

What do you currently do for work and/or school?: I am a Training and Engagement Specialist.

Without positions or titles, how would you describe yourself?: Risk Taker

What are you passionate about?: I am passionate about self growth and living a fulfilled life to motivate others to live their own. I am also passionate about dancing and traveling.

Why is the representation of scholars of color important to you?: The representation of scholars of color is important to me because I want to emphasize that the color of your skin should not be a factor to limit yourself of accomplishing your ultimate goals and/or dreams. Very successful people do not seek acceptance, they seek success and are willing to do what is most uncomfortable. It is right there, when you feel most uncomfortable that you grow the most. Most of the world is seeking comfort and acceptance, which I believe are traps that cause you to settle. In order to accomplish your goals you have to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

If people are interested in getting connected to you, how can they?: IG:, LinkedIn:, FB: Maye Denisse Delgado

Anything else you would like us to know?:“Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility” – quote by my favorite Author Grant Cardone

Thank you Mariela for sharing space with us!

Stay tuned everyone for more Scholars of Color profiles. Interested in being showcased yourself? Please email the Scholars of Color team at and we will get back to you shortly.

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