Scholars of Color- Daniel Ramirez
What is Scholars of Color?
It is a platform in which scholars of color are purposefully celebrated. It’s a space where scholars of color are showcased front and center. It is a digital space where we feel empowered and resilient. Let us get to know each other. Let us cheer each other on AND show the world what we have to offer.
Let us now welcome Daniel Ramirez to the Scholars of Color space!
Name: Daniel Ramirez
Location: Richmond California
Gender Pronouns: He/him
What's your current occupation? (i.e. Student, Scientist, Coach, In transition, etc.): Health Educator/ tarot reader/ content creator/ bartender
Without positions or titles, how would you describe yourself?: I would describe myself as gregarious, friendly, bubbly, calm
What are you passionate about?: I am passionate about health education, health and wellness, most importantly chronic illness. As a queer Latino male I am aware of the disparities within the health industry that unfortunately disenfranchises marginalized communities. Chronic illness is one of the cycles that I hope to dismantle. It is not a coincidence that the most affected by chronic illness are the members of the lower social economic status. I am passionate about giving education, and intervention strategies to mitigate these communities.
What does the representation of Scholars of Color mean to you?: Being represented would make me feel like my parents sacrifice to come to this country was worth it. I am not a traditional student. My education journey was adorned by D’s and C’s during high school. I also did not attend a four year university directly out of high school due to poor grades, funds, proper planning, direction, and the ability to see beyond what I was deemed as a “bad student”. Currently I am still working on solidifying a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach(NBC-HWC) I waited 8 years to go back to school because I had to save up money since I didn’t have the privilege of merit based scholarships or money to attend a four year university. This acknowledgment would help me feel like I have ended a cycle of dismantling the identity of “bad student”. I would have come to a place to where I would know that I would have officially evolved to a place where I can identify as a scholar; something the high school me could only have dreamed of.
If people are interested in getting connected to you, how can they?: My email is
Anything else you would like us to know?: Currently I am building my brand. I am a health educator by day and a mindfulness based tarot reader by night (as well as a bartender on the side) if you would like to contact me for a reading my email is my TikTok is @guerrerotarot my Instagram is @guerrerotarot.
Thank you Daniel for sharing space with us!
Stay tuned everyone for more Scholars of Color profiles. Interested in being showcased yourself? Please email the Scholars of Color team at and we will get back to you shortly.