Scholars of Color- Natali Siliezar

Scholars of Color- Natali Siliezar

What is Scholars of Color?

It is a platform in which scholars of color are purposefully celebrated. It’s a space where scholars of color are showcased front and center. It is a digital space where we feel empowered and resilient. Let us get to know each other. Let us cheer each other on AND show the world what we have to offer.

Let us now welcome Natali Siliezar to the Scholars of Color space!


Name: Natali Siliezar

Location: Downey, CA

Gender Pronouns: She, her, hers

What's your current occupation? (i.e. Student, Scientist, Coach, In transition, etc.): Intuitive Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Artist, Enrichment Leader & Student

Without positions or titles, how would you describe yourself?: A mindful mama & wife, I have two daughters and I am mindful about how I parent them but I'm also a bit sassy, bubbly & joyful.

What are you passionate about?: I am passionate about learning and teaching other's about spirituality as a Latina, helping women break generational patterns, heal lack of self-trust/worth, so that we can make room to tap into joy and be more creative. Life can be heavy as it is, and it is up to us to lighten it up a bit.

What does the representation of Scholars of Color mean to you?: This is a validation of all my deep inner work. This platform is showcasing amazing people who are stepping into their power and sharing their gifts with the world, and I get to be a part of this! Growing up I never thought I would amount to much, let alone show up on social media as a leader, but doing so has shown me that I deserve to be successful and I am worthy of inspiring other women of color to do the same.

If people are interested in getting connected to you, how can they?:  Website: or IG: @natalisiliezarcoaching

Anything else you would like us to know?: If people need my medicine, people need yours. However, that looks to you! It is our time to reclaim what was once taken from us. I am BEYOND grateful to be a part of this community.

Thank you Natali for sharing space with us!

Stay tuned everyone for more Scholars of Color profiles. Interested in being showcased yourself? Please email the Scholars of Color team at and we will get back to you shortly.

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